Mi año en España

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

being thankful

Yes, I am still a bit stuck on Thanksgiving...trust me, if you live out of the country you will understand thanksgiving. I have had so much time to think about what I am thankful for. Some of the things I am thankful for are definitely because I don´t have or can´t find them here...

To answer the question of anonymous, I will be in LC from Dec. 21 until January 5. Who is anonymous? I meant to post those dates too but forgot.

So, here are a few things I am thankful for (not exactly in the correct order but I am too lazy to change it.):

1. family of friends scattered around the world
2. natural peanut butter and other natural products (hard to find here)
3. the toilets in the US (the ones here are a bit strange)
4. chocolate
5. chocolate croissants
6. the little green parrots in Parc de la Citudella
7. comments posted by you guys on blogger (fun for me to read)
8. calabaza (squash) very yummy- especially orange squash
9. It never rains here so I can ride my bike everywhere.
10. dryers
11. actually having a washing machine in my apartment
12. loquo.com (helping me find language buddies)
13. the fact that I finally realized that since I like to eat I should learn how to cook
14. I have time to think (sometimes too much...)
15. email..how else would we all remain in touch?
16. paella and olive oil
17. the fact that Mr. Clean has cousin in Spain and in the UK (Don Limpio and Mr. Sheen). I find this endlessly funny. I will try to post a pic of Don Limpio soon for all of you cleaning fanatics

Okay, well you get the idea. See all of you in Louisiana in about 3 weeks. New Yorkers- probably not until January since my stopover in NYC is so short.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you are all doing well. Eat lots of turkey with cranberry sauce. I doubt I will find cranberries here and I certainly wouldn´t eat that canned stuff if I found it.
It is still beautiful in Spain. I think it has rained maybe 8 times out of the 2 months I´ve been here. It is a bit colder but not much.
I have not really been up to much new. I practice a lot and study spanish. I can almost roll my Rs now! Hooray! I am learning how to cook. If anyone wants to have a dinner party when I return let me know.( I´ll be in NY January 5th- Feb. 3 and Dec. 19-20 but those two days don´t count since I will be asleep most of the time) I made a delicious apple bread pudding the other day. Lots of butter.
If all else fails I can be a housekeeper when I return. I cook, iron, and clean a lot. I do look forward to having a dryer when I return. I have to really time laundry day right or I have no underwear for the day if I´m not careful (we have to line dry everything and it takes all day).
Once again happy thanksgiving and miss you all! I am off to study.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


I went to Montserrat recently with a couple of friends from school, Eileen and Jorge. We left Barcelona early in the morning (VERY early because we all forgot about the time change). We traveled for an hour on the train to Montserrat and hiked up the mountain for a few hours. The views were spectacular. My photos came out great but they just can´t match the beauty that we saw that day.